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Home & 101 Ranches

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

Montane meadows conserved with Sierra Pacific Industries

These two beautiful properties, owned by Sierra Pacific Industries, comprise a significant portion of the Mountain Meadows Complex, one of the largest remaining examples of montane meadows in California. Rich in water resources and important wildlife habitats, these properties are now protected with conservation easements.  

Property types: Conservation easement

TPL/Mark Lathrop

TPL/Mark Lathrop

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

Sierra Pacific is pleased to work with our conservation partners in a manner that balances sustainable forest management, ranching and environmental protection. Initiatives like this reflects SPI's commitment to both ecosystem stewardship and responsible economic activity.

—Mark Emmerson, CEO of Sierra Pacific Industries

Photo by Ryan Burnett

Norm Williams

Photo by Betty Bishop

The Home Ranch and 101 Ranch are outstanding for their size, important spring fed water resources, and biological diversity. The true value of these easements will be told in the decades ahead as FRLT, SPI, and partners work to revitalize these landscapes for the benefit of wildlife and human communities. Conserving and restoring this landscape has been a priority for Point Blue for over two decades, it has been great to work with Feather River Land Trust to achieve our shared goals.

—Ryan Burnett, Sierra Nevada Director of Point Blue Conservation Science

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

FRLT/Kristi Jamason

TPL/Mark Lathrop

The Trust for Public Land is honored to partner with Sierra Pacific Industries and Feather River Land Trust to conserve and further enhance these incredibly significant mountain meadows in the headwaters of the North Fork Feather River. This collaboration is an example of the power of partnership to protect a large and important landscape.

—Guillermo Rodriguez, California State Director at Trust for Public Land

North Fork Properties Conserved

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