Priority lands and waters protected forever
The Feather River Land Trust protects critical headwaters and habitat for thousands of wildlife and plant species in the Sierra Nevada’s largest watershed—a source of drinking water, agriculture, and hydropower for 27 million people.
Since 2000, FRLT has protected over 100,000 acres of ecologically and culturally important landscapes in the Feather River Watershed. We’re working with private landowners to conserve priority lands in three regions across the watershed: Lake Almanor, Spanish & Indian Creeks, and Sierra Valley.
Lake Almanor Region
Conservation focus: water, wildlife, native homelands, and history
The Lake Almanor Region holds the headwaters of the North Fork Feather River—the watershed’s largest source of water.
Olsen Barn Meadow
Year Protected: 2015
Conservation Focus: Community, Kids in Nature, Native Homelands, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: 130+ year old barn, endangered Willow Flycatcher, Yellow Warblers
Key Partners: Plumas County/CA Prop 50, Collins Family, Walker Family, 439 donors
Lake Almanor
Year Protected: 2023
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: A beloved lake and exceptional wildlife habitats at the headwaters of the California State Water Project, 23 rare or threatened species
Key Partners: Pacific Gas & Electric, Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council
Home Ranch
Year Protected: 2021
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands
Highlights: One of California's largest montane meadows, 39 rare or threatened wildlife and plant species, breathtaking beauty along the Lassen Volcanic Scenic Byway
Key Partners: Sierra Pacific Industries, CA Wildlife Conservation Board, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Trust for Public Land, Northern Sierra Partnership, Point Blue Conservation Science, Plumas Corporation
Tásmam Koyóm (Humbug Valley)
Year Protected: 2019
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Community, Native Homelands, Rare or Threatened Species, Wildlife
Highlights: Historic return to Maidu ownership, Yellow Creek wild trout fishery, endangered Willow Flycatchers, Northern Goshawks, Sandhill Cranes, rare plants
Key Partners: Maidu Summit Consortium, Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council, CA Department of Fish & Wildlife
Butt Valley Reservoir
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: Beloved for local recreation, trophy trout fishery, Maidu and historic sites, special status species like Bald Eagles
Key Partners: Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council
Maidu Wetlands
Year Protected: 2021
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Native Homelands, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands
Highlights: Historic return to Mountain Maidu ownership; Critical wetlands, two creeks, and four cold springs along the north shore of Lake Almanor; Special status species including Sierra Nevada Red Fox
Key Partners: Maidu Summit Consortium, Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council
Mountain Meadows Gateway Preserve
Year Protected: 2018
Conservation Focus: Community, Rare or Threatened Species, Recreation, Water, Wetlands, Wildlife
Highlights: Walking access to Mountain Meadows Reservoir, endangered Willow Flycatchers, Sandhill Cranes
Key Partners: Joseph and Vera Long Foundation, Mountain Meadows Conservancy, Sierra Pacific Industries, and 3 generous families
Mountain Meadows Reservoir
Year Protected: 2018
Conservation Focus: Climate Resilience, Native Homelands, Rare or Threatened Species, Recreation, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: 22 special status species, grebes, 100 year-old naturalized reservoir
Key Partners: Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council, Mountain Meadows Conservancy
Maidu Forest
Year Protected: 2019
Conservation Focus: Community, Native Homelands, Open Space, Wetlands
Highlights: Historic return to Maidu ownership, forest and wet meadow habitats
Key Partners: Maidu Summit Consortium, Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council
101 Ranch
Year Protected: 2024
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands
Highlights: One of the largest montane meadows in the Sierra Nevada, 39 rare or threatened species, incredible open space along Lassen Volcanic Scenic Byway
Key Partners: Sierra Pacific Industries, Trust for Public Land, Point Blue Conservation Science, Plumas Corporation, Northern Sierra Partnership, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, CA Wildlife Conservation Board, Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Warner Valley
Year Protected: 2021
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Open Space, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: Protects important open space and wildlife corridor north of Chester towards Lassen Volcanic National Park, diverse habitat types, montane riparian area, Warner Creek population of rainbow trout and other native cold water fish
Key Partners: Generously donated by Davidge Farmer LLC
Maidu Cemetery
Year Protected: 2022
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Community, Native Homelands, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water
Highlights: Historic return to Mountain Maidu ownership, two perennial springs, nesting and wintering ground for endangered waterfowl, views of Lassen Peak and Lake Almanor
Key Partners: Maidu Summit Consortium, Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council
Maidu Trail
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Community, Native Homelands, Open Space
Highlights: Historic return to Maidu ownership, forest habitat along Almanor shoreline
Key Partners: Maidu Summit Consortium, Pacific Gas & Electric, Stewardship Council

Knowing that the landscapes I grew up with, home, will still be there—that there is a mechanism for conservation, a local group, and dedicated landowners—is everything to me.
—Robin Meacher, Eugene, OR

I am impressed with the open spaces, the forests and especially the rivers and streams. FRLT is dedicated to conserving these important landscapes and this mission is one that I wholeheartedly support. I encourage you to be part of the impressive work FRLT is carrying out in our watershed.
—Ceci Reynolds, member since 2005
Spanish & Indian Creeks Region
Conservation focus: cold streams, wet meadows, and native grasslands
Coldwater tributaries and wet meadows feed the East Branch of the North Fork Feather River.
Bucks Lake
Year Protected: 2021
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Rare or Threatened Species, Recreation
Highlights: A mountain lake offers exceptional outdoor recreation and tributary creeks, wetlands, and forest habitats support over 30 special status species
Key Partners: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council (Stewardship Council)
Wolf Creek Ranch
Year Protected: 2022
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands, Wildlife
Highlights: Longest undeveloped edge of Indian Valley; wet meadow, black oak woodlands, and Wolf and Williams Creeks; 8 threatened bird species; wildlife corridor; sustainable grazing
Key Partners: Northern Sierra Partnership, California Department of Conservation, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, William Barboni II
Heart K Ranch
Year Protected: 2006
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Community, Native Homelands, Rare or Threatened Species, Water
Highlights: Continuous Maidu homeland, 29 rare or threatened species, historic barns, 2+ miles of Indian Creek, one of the region's most biodiverse properties
Key Partners: The Nature Conservancy, David & Lucile Packard Foundation, CA Wildlife Conservation Board, Northern Sierra Partnership, and hundreds of donors
Leonhardt Ranch Learning Landscape
Year Protected: 2012
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Community, Kids in Nature, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: Quincy outdoor classroom, Sandhill Cranes, diverse songbirds and waterfowl, beavers, walking path along Boyle Creek
Key Partners: CalTrans, Leonhardt Family, Edwards Family
Rogers Key Brand Ranch
Year Protected: 2013
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands
Highlights: Multi-generation ranch, Indian Valley's largest continuous wetlands, Wolf Creek and meadow habitats, Sandhill Cranes and abundant songbirds and raptors
Key Partners: Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Northern Sierra Partnership, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Pearce Family Ranch
Year Protected: 2010
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands, Wildlife
Highlights: 6th generation ranch, 1.5 miles of Indian Creek, diverse songbirds and 6 native fish species
Key Partners: Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Northern Sierra Partnership, generous donors
Sierra Valley Region
Conservation focus: wetlands, birds, and wild river headwaters
The Sierra Nevada’s largest wetlands form the headwaters of the Middle Fork Feather River—a Wild and Scenic River.
Sierra Valley Preserve
Year Protected: 2003-2019
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Community, Rare or Threatened Species, Water
Highlights: Exceptional birding, key stopover on the Pacific Flyway, 1,100+ acres of wetlands, headwaters of the Middle Fork Feather River
Key Partners: Northern Sierra Partnership, Sierra Business Council, The Nature Conservancy, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Community Foundation of Western Nevada, Resources Legacy Fund, Firedoll Foundation, Mellam Family Foundation, Morgan Family Foundation
Spring Creek Ranch
Year Protected: 2021
Conservation Focus: Climate Resilience, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wetlands, Wildlife
Highlights: Wet meadows, conifer forestland, rare Sierra Valley Ivesia, important wildlife corridor connectivity, land surrounded 99% by Plumas National Forest
Key Partners: Northern Sierra Partnership, Plumas National Forest
Hollitz Ranch
Year Protected: 2021
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Rare or Threatened Species, Wetlands, Wildlife
Highlights: 2nd oldest barn in Sierra Valley, large wet meadow and fens, 11 special status species like Yellow Warbler and Prairie Falcons, migratory range for Truckee-Loyalton Mule Deer Herd
Key Partners: Northern Sierra Partnership, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Church Ranch
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Rare or Threatened Species, Water
Highlights: 160+ year old barn, wet meadow habitat, Sandhill Crane nesting habitat
Key Partners: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Northern Sierra Partnership, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Loyalton Learning Landscape
Year Protected: 2014
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Kids in Nature, Open Space, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: Working ranch, Learning Landscape outdoor classroom, exceptional cottonwood-willow habitat
Key Partners: Anne Chadwick, Northern Sierra Partnership, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Hind Foundation, Gimbell Foundation
Sierra Valley Farms
Year Protected: 2019
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Community, Open Space, Wetlands
Highlights: 3rd generation family farm, wetland habitat next to FRLT's Sierra Valley Preserve, certified organic farm, seasonal farmers' market
Key Partners: Northern Sierra Partnership, The Nature Conservancy
Diamond G Ranch Phase 1
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Rare or Threatened Species, Wildlife
Highlights: unique Black Oak woodland habitat, Golden Eagles, volcanic cliff bird habitat, adjacent to Crocker Meadows Wildlife Area
Key Partners: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Northern Sierra Partnership, California Wildlife Conservation Board, California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Hill Ranch
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Water
Highlights: historic barn, working cattle ranch, special status species: Swainson's Hawk, Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle, Greater Sandhill Crane; migratory range for Truckee-Loyalton Mule Deer herd and Pronghorn
Key Partners: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Northern Sierra Partnership, California Department of Conservation
Potter 8 Ranch
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Climate Resilience, Native Homelands, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: working ranch, upland bitterbrush habitat, Pronghorn and Mule Deer habitat, seasonal tributaries to Smithneck Creek
Key Partners: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Northern Sierra Partnership, California Department of Conservation
Genasci Ranch
Year Protected: 2020
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Rare or Threatened Species, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: 4th generation ranch, connectivity with Antelope Valley State Wildlife Area, 8 special status bird species like Swainson's Hawks and Sandhill Cranes, migratory habitat for Mule Deer and Pronghorn
Key Partners: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Northern Sierra Partnership, California Wildlife Conservation Board
Puma Robles Ranch
Year Protected: 2016
Conservation Focus: Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Rare or Threatened Species, Wildlife
Highlights: 500+ plant species, 150 bird species, migration corridor for Pronghorn and Mule Deer herd
Key Partners: The Nature Conservancy, Northern Sierra Partnership, California Wildlife Conservation Board, California Natural Resources Agency Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Balderston Ranch
Year Protected: 2007
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Wildlife
Highlights: large mountain mahogany stand, migration corridor for Truckee-Loyalton Mule Deer herd, Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles
Key Partners: Sierra Business Council, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Daniel Balderston
Harris Ranch
Year Protected: 2003
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Resilience, Rare or Threatened Species, Wildlife
Highlights: large mountain mahogany stand, migration corridor for Truckee-Loyalton Mule Deer herd, Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles
Key Partners: The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Business Council, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Fred Balderston
Diamond G Ranch Phase 2
Year Protected: 2024
Conservation Focus: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Open Space, Water, Wildlife
Highlights: Vital wildlife connectivity corridor, freshwater springs, aspen and black oak woodland habitats interspersed with large boulders, active agricultural operation, and important cultural resources.
Key Partners: California Wildlife Conservation Board
Trosi Canyon Ranch
Year Protected: 2005
Conservation Focus: Open Space, Rare or Threatened Species, Wildlife
Highlights: 100+ bird species, migratory and wintering habitat for Doyle Deer herd,
Key Partners: California Wildlife Conservation Board, Sierra Business Council, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Alfred "Cookie" Gassiot
Why We Do It
We all have a stake in a healthy future
From water to wildlife we’re conserving the places you love, now and for future generations.

Every acre we conserve begins with you
Join us in protecting critical headwaters and habitats for thousands of plant and wildlife species
You Can Count On Us
As a nationally accredited land trust, we are built to last. We leverage your donation with state, federal, and foundation dollars and strategic partnerships to achieve the greatest possible impact for the lands, waters, and people of the Feather River region. You can count on us to make careful and effective use of your support.

Explore FRLT
2022 Conservation Successes
Take a look back at 2022 with us and celebrate the successes made possible by our supporters. It was a fulfilling year of community, collaboration, and conservation success!
A new Nature Center at the Sierra Valley Preserve
A new Nature Center at the Sierra Valley Preserve is now open, where visitors and locals alike can experience the wonders of Sierra Valley and deepen our understanding of the natural world and our place in it.
Bucks Lake Conservation Story
Protected in 2021, Bucks Lake is a Plumas County treasure. Surrounded by public lands and the PCT, the PG&E owned reservoir offers exceptional outdoor recreation and its habitats support a remarkable diversity of wildlife.
Lake Almanor Conservation Easement
FRLT is working to permanently protect PG&E owned lands at Lake Almanor for the benefit of current and future generations. Lake Almanor is one of northern California's most beloved gems.
California State Wildlife Areas Expanded
FRLT played a key role in helping to expand two California State Wildlife Areas in Sierra Valley.
Annual Report
From protecting headwaters and biodiversity to enhancing access to nature, learn what our supporters made possible.
2021 Conservation Successes
Take a look back at 2021 with us and celebrate the successes made possible by our supporters. While it was a challenging year in many ways, we still have great things to celebrate in the Feather River region.
Sierra Valley Conservation Partnership
We’re conserving working family ranches in Sierra Valley, which hold the Sierra Nevada’s largest wetlands and montane meadows and sustain incredible biodiversity.
Protecting PG&E Headwater Lands
We worked with PG&E and Maidu Summit Consortium to protect 43,000+ acres of important Maidu homelands, headwaters, and habitats for public benefit.